simulation in health
Simulation Australasia promotes the use of Simulation within Healthcare for teaching and learning, recruitment, planning Healthcare facilities and professional development. We connect industry specialists, government bodies and educators for the purpose of advancing simulation practices within the Healthcare industry.
Our healthcare specialist community is the Australian Society for Simulation in Healthcare.
To promote simulation education, training and research to enhance the safety and quality in healthcare. To represent a cross-section of the Australasian healthcare community who share simulation as a common interest, including healthcare professionals, academics, industry groups and policy makers. To foster international simulation health alliances and affiliations for the health specialist community of Simulation Australasia.
- To develop standards of practice regarding the key applications of health simulation including education, research and patient care.
- To foster a network of professionals working within the simulation field.
- To advocate for continued development and availability of simulation-based modalities for key applications including education, research and patient care.
- To form affiliations with societies and groups having common goals in relation to simulation and safety and quality in healthcare.
- To promote the professional development of individuals working in the simulation field.
- To advise on legislation related to the use of simulation in healthcare.
- To be recognised as the representative of these healthcare groups within Australasia.
- Conferences, seminars and workshops, sponsoring student scholarships.
- Contributing to the development of Australasian and international standards of simulation.
- Liaising with international Healthcare simulation organisations.
- Advising federal and state government regarding the use of simulation in healthcare.
- Encouraging research.
- Information dissemination via newsletters and the website.
Simulated Patient Special Interest Group
Simulated Patient Special Interest Group aims to provide support and learning opportunities for simulation specialists and simulation patience working in the health care education space.
Paediatric and Neonatal Special Interest Group
Paediatric and Neonatal SIG aims to provide learning and networking opportunities to those working with simulation in the paediatric and neonatal areas.
Rural Specal Interest Group
Rural SIG aims to promote simulation education, training and research to enhance the safety and quality of healthcare to our rural and regional communities in Australia.
Technology Special Interest Groups
Technology SIG will use information gathered from simulation providers across Australasia to push the boundaries of what is technologically possible with a goal of enhancing the way simulation is used in the broader community.
International Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH).
The QualSim Framework is the emerging standard for Australian Healthcare simulation programs and centers.
Developed in consultation with industry, adherence ensures high-quality training environments for healthcare professionals. Find out more about QualSim( Download the final report to DoHa V1.0 here
January 2012 – June 17th 2012. ASSH lead the Simulation Australasia HWA contract to complete the project called the Establishing a National Network of Simulation Learning Programs (SLPs). The purpose of this project was to promote inter-professional collaboration and resource sharing within Australia’s health workforce. The activities of this project were to identify as many SLEs as possible, establish a point of contact for each SLE, and to obtain a survey response on behalf of the SLE.
July 1 2008 – April 30 2009 Educational project on behalf of the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. The project addressed utilisation of simulation in medical specialist training programs in respect to training non-technical skills (NTS), such as communication, teamwork and professional behaviours.
The key components of the project were as follows:
- Project management
- Two one-day seminars for 50 people in Melbourne